Thursday, December 18, 2008


I wanted to share something I thought was funny. My Son in Love said to me, after the carolers left last night ,"You are the only person that I know that has more lights inside their house and more trees inside their house than outside!". He should have seen it when I had 48 trees. Long story short when we moved up north into a 1100 sq. ft cabin we had 2 storage sheds for our stuff. We talked and decided we should down size and get rid of items we won't be using. Thinking I wouldn't be living in a bigger house again I started clearing out the storage sheds and gave a lot of stuff to make room and save money on the storage rent. Sniff Sniff well we only have 15 trees now. Oh how I miss my forest! I can't wait till the after Christmas sale. Watch out if you see me coming if you are near the trees.
My hubby said instead of being the lady that they find dead in her home with millions of cats I will be surrounded by my trees!
I am not really crazy I just love Christmas trees!
Speaking of trees, did anyone watch the HGTV White House Decoration show last night? OH MAN!!!!!!!!!!! I would love to work in the pastry kitchen or the decorating, or kitchen in the White House. Okay not now that the new administration is going to be in office but maybe when the Republicans are in again and it is someone worthy to hold the office. ( Don't get me started on politcs!) HEY maybe I will run for President! No they would kick me out I have a hot head. he he
Enough of the rambling and I haven't even had my Diet Coke yet.
Having an odd Thursday not sure why things just feel off.
Talk to you later. Hugs, Bobbi Jo


Rattlebridge Farm said...

That's so funny about trees vs cats. Your son sounds like mine. LOL

The Blonde Duck said...

I watched the OC housewifes. I'm starting to like Tamra now, but Vicki is driving me nuts.

Megan said...

I watch the white house decorating every year. I DVR it and watch it over and over. It is amazing

Ham N Cheese said...

Bobbi for president 2012!!! You have my vote and I have some blackmail, MWAHAHAHAHA!!!

Kristine hipps said...

I'd love to have seen all 48 trees decked out. After watching those white house decorator volunteers, I think you'd be perfect! I, too, am not sure which would be more fun - the decorating or the baking. Decisions, decisions. In addition, I'm very impressed with your pink bathroom tree (and your "comfortable with his masculinity" husband!).