Friday, June 12, 2009


Don't you just love Fridays? I do. Even though it isn't much different than any other day with being a homemaker. I just like them.
Today has been good I was reunited with one of my best friends after 7 years of not talking with her due to my moving and just not staying in touch . I am excited that we are going to get together and hang out. It is hard for me to find people that I can mesh with easily. You know the "girlfriend" type you can share things and not be judged or really watch the things you say. So I am pumped.
I haven't worked out today, but I will this afternoon. Treadmill and weights are in for today's workout.
Tonight will be a hangout night with the family.
Hope you are all having a grate Friday. Hugs, Bobbi Jo


Kristina P. said...

Reconnecting with friends is always so great! Have a great weekend!

Jaclyn said...

I love Fridays, also! I hope you have a good Friday!

shortmama said...

Glad you were able to reconnect! Have a great weekend!

Just me~Bobbie Jo said...

Thanks! It was hard to do! lol :)

* said...

catching up with old friends is like finding a stash of chocolate hidden away in the cupboard, only infinitely better. Enjoy your reunion!