Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Pity Party For ME is Over

After I calmed down from the drama of having my heart broken on Tuesday I really needed some new clothes to wear. I love buying clothes for my smaller self, but I am not that yet so I have to buy for myself as I am at this time (not so small) . I got a beautiful Spring dress with a lovely light cream sweater, a pastel green blouse, a green striped blouse and was so delighted with them. I got home feeling a little better from the retail shopping. I decided to try the clothes on. NOTHING fit! I was so upset that I started eating anything salty, sweet and fattening. I polished off the rest of my Easter Basket goodies that my hubby got me along with 2 or 3 cans of Diet Coke and a water bottle. I then faced the bloated feeling with a stomach ache and head ache from my binge eating. I was hating myself. Feelings of disappointment flooded over me. I then watched The Biggest Loser and felt even worse about myself and what I had eaten after seeing Tara looking so good in her make over. My pity party lasted till I went to bed. I fell asleep and woke up with a major sugar & junk hangover. I have completely fallen off the healthy eating band wagon. HELP!!!
I know what I need to do and have to get my plan to get my act together and Just DO IT! Pray for me. I was doing so good and feeling so good.
Hugs, Bobbi Jo


Kristina P. said...

Oh, Bobbi, I think we have all been there.

The Biggest Loser does nothing for my motivation. I just end up sitting on the couch, stuffing my face with ice cream, while watching. Ironic, huh?

Scrappy Girl said...

Oh have been having some bummer kind of days...I just finished reading several posts on here. I hope things start looking up for you my bloggy buddy! You are always such a ray of sunshine and pink!

michelle said...

hey; thanks for stopping by! I'm sorry you're not feeling great. Tomorrow is a new day! Do something for yourself (besides the sugar! ha). Oh wait; you bought the dress! Keep your head up and remember we ALL have those days! I was sad on Monday; for no reason! Just sad! Oh being a woman...

Nana said...

Kristina is right we have all been there.

Just try to pick up the pieces tommorow. That's what I do every stinking day. ha ha ha

Tammy ~ Country Girl at Home ~ said...


Just get back on and start again on a fresh day! :)


Anonymous said...

You and Helen should really be friends.
I love you.

Sue said...

Bless your heart, you are having quite the week! I have been having a hard time with my 14yr old son also. I actually had a melt down in Trader Joe's last week I am NOT proud of. I was so frustrated with him I actually raised my voice and stomped my foot which is a rarity for me, especially in public but I was totally pmsing and he had pushed me to the edge. Of course, after I got ahold of myself, I looked behind me and there was a lady with TWO teen sons behaving like perfect angels who were looking at me like I was the Wicked Witch of the West about to turn the flying monkeys loose! I was apalled and immediately bolted to the frozen food section. So hang in there and we will be praying for you. On the whole diet thing..when I get off course, I have to do a cleanse to get rid of my naughty cravings. I will be doing a post on this soon. Yeah, I have been naughty, sigh.....

* said...

You can do it. Even if you are at rock bottom...somehow, find a way to see that silver lining, as faint as it may be. I lose my BGPs (big girl panties) on a regular basis and after oodles of chocolate, scrape myself off the floor more times a week than I care to share...(big sigh).

You're not alone, girl. Just remember that.

PS: found you on MM blogs!

Jen Sue Wild said...

Bobbie Joe,
Thanks for stopping by my blog and saying hi!

I have no teeaged boys but I have teen aged girls and some days I just want to give my 17 year old away.

I hope things get better.
Smiles Jenn.

Small House said...

I think this happens to all of us once in awhile. It will be better today!!!

Picture of the girls under the trampoline is adorable. They were having fun.

Have a great day.

JackandJaneyNichols said...

That was's a new day and you'll get back on the wagon. No worries, we all have those days, some of us just always eat that way, ha ha. (seriously, there's always a bag of M&M's around here close by....) Just jump back on that ellipical or treadmill or whatever. love ya

Megan said...

oh bobbi, how many times do we all do this? not that, that will make you feel better, but know that you are not alone and that we are cheering you on and want you to accomplish your goals.

Rhonda said...

{hugs} I totally understand! Be easy on yourself!

Jaclyn said...

You can do it!