Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Whatcha Working on Wednesday

I can not believe that it is Wednesday again. This past week has just buzzed by.
Today I am working on the following: I have to go to Elyse's school and talk with the dean because the girl that started the fight 2 weeks ago is still harassing her. Unfortunately they have 1st hour together. This is her dance class and the girl and a couple of friends keep yelling out things to her but the teacher doesn't do anything about it. ERR! I need to pick up Dallas early due to him not having EVIT today so he will get out at 10:40. I am doing the repainting of the little girls room since I was unable to get to it yesterday. I will post a picture of it when I am done. I need to work on some craft organizing, do wash and the usual chores. I am going to look on You Tube and try to teach myself to knit. I want to learn how to do this and have wanted to know how to for a while now. I need to go through the sale items and figure out what is needed and get my coupons ready for that. By this time the girls should be home from school and it will be time for snacks and finish prep for dinner. I have 4 books that are waiting patiently for me to read so maybe tonight in my bath I will sneak a little time for reading.
One more piece of news Talmage is starting to walk. He has been taking a few steps at a time. Yesterday when he was here I was sitting on the floor and he would get up by our couch and take about 4 steps to me. But last night Coco called and said her is walking more and more. She went to get his bath ready and came out and he was in the middle of his room walking around. He looks so amazed that he can do it with a big smile on his face. Love that little man.
Hope you all have a great day! Hugs, Bobbi Jo


Janel said...

I just totally LOVE that you do the kind cake and fat tuesday! I am going to do it next year for sure. Last night was scouts blue and gold banquet so I had enough to do with that going on.Congrats Gabby and Talmage!

Janel said...

Oops I meant King Cake :D

Janel said...

Oops I meant King Cake :D

Janel said...

Oops I meant King Cake :D

Janel said...

Oh my :D

Connie said...

Pickin' up kids at airport, sweetpea! Daughter and granddaughter are coming in for 5 days of laughter, frivolity and downright obnoxiousness!! LOL LOL This is true; I aint' joshin' ya!!

Kristine hipps said...

Here's a great knitting resource website:

Great how-to videos! I refer to it frequently for info on stitches I'm not familiar. She has both english and continental knitting how-to videos. I prefer continental since my hand doesn't leave the knitting and it just flows better for me, but you can check out either method. Enjoy (& have your knitting in hand as you watch!).