Today after our running around the girls decided to make an art exhibit for the family to go through tonight. So I thought I would share some of their works of art. These are using things that could be recycled or items we had around the house.Notice some of the exhibits are displayed on the latest items from the Costco trip. First the pictures by Gabby.The the "TWIN TISSUE" (representing the Twin Towers.) Faiths adobe house. The big Floppy Flower because it wouldn't stay up. and the last is so funny! It is Bob the Chicken (Gabby's stuffed chicken) dressed in a bathing suit with hat & sunglasses, titled "Eat Me Fried!" I thought that was very clever. The just love being creative and having people come to see what they have done. A couple of weeks ago they had a carnival in our living room with games and things you could win. It was very interesting.
I then taught a lesson on the Sacrament. It went pretty good. So grateful for having been in the Family Home Evening Groups in the past. If there is anyone that wants to start one in their ward and needs help knowing how let me know I will be glad to help you. It is time consuming and sometimes a little pricey but so worth it. Going home once a months with 6 to 8 FHE lessons. Big help! So off for a bath and reading then early to bed.
Meredith I am really!!!! I hadn't told anyone due to people would have thought I was crazy!
Have a great Monday night. Talk to you tomorrow. Hugs, Bobbi Jo