Thursday, October 8, 2009

Quote And Blog

Healthy expressions of love must be carefully cultivated in the home environment, so that children go out into the world with the right ideas about what love is, what it isn’t and how to demonstrate it to others.
~ William Coleman

I read this quote on Aunt Ruthie's blog "Sugar Pie Farmhouse "
If you have not visited her blog before you need to . It is a beautiful blog that focuses on the family, God, love of home, decorating, cooking and so much more.
May you all be blessed with a wonderful day. Hugs, Bobbi Jo


Leslie said...

Hi, Bobbi Jo! I am trying to catch up with blogs and visit people I haven't seen in awhile :) How are you? You're looking pretty good in your photos! Great work on the weight loss :)


My Trendy Tykes said...

I'll have to check it out! Thanks for sharing.

Sue said...

Bobbi Jo~ Yes, I love Aunt Ruthie!

shortmama said...

Love that quote!

Jaclyn said...

Nice quote!