Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Sunday Picture of Girls

I think I have missed the last one or two Sunday's taking the girls picture. 
Last Sunday we didn't make it to church it was one of those days. 
Here are the girls after they got home this past Sunday
E'lyse, Faith & Gabby 
(Sorry so blurry. I must have been a little shaky)
 The girls being silly! 
These three are goof balls but I love them.
Hugs, Bobbi Jo

Monday, February 25, 2013

Park Play & Lost Award

Two weekends ago Coco and her sweet family came down to visit for the weekend. 
On Saturday Coco, Gabby, Talmage, Naima, Kylia and I went to the park to watch Dallas, Kyle and friends play ball. 
On the way there Naima and Talmage had fun rolling down the small hills at the park. 
Naima in action
Naima, Gabby and Talmage heading up to roll down. 
Lost award goes to Alan and I for not being the top grandparent's of the year.
I went out Tuesday morning to clean up the back yard and I look up on the top of the 
9 foot ladder and see Naima's birdhouse that she brought down with her. 
She wanted me to put it up in the tree but it was super cold so I asked her to wait till later in the day. This was on Saturday morning.
Now when I told Alan we lost this award he said, 'How am I involved in this loss?"
 I proceeded to tell him that he was the one who left the ladder out there from 3 weeks ago.
So glad Naima didn't get hurt making this climb. 

Ward Youth Talent Show

Tuesday night our Youth in our ward had a talent show. 
I had taken video but I can't get them to download here. 
I am bummed because Faith and Gabby were in a GLOW DANCE number it was really cool and well done. No pictures taken of them during this time, bummer! they did a great job. 
Faith also wrote and act in a skit that I unfortunately I didn't take any pictures. 
This is Frank who played a song on his Red Guitar 
 E'lyse played an mix of church songs that she plays by ear. She did a great job! 

This is two of the girls that did a dance number 
This is Josh and Cade. They first played a One Direction song, then Justin Bieber song then a third one.
Cade sang and played. They did a great job and Cade has a wonderful voice. 
Gabby and her friend Alexis. Alexis has been going to mutual with Gabby and got to be in the dance number too. 
 Mallory, E'lyse and Alise BFF's and such fun girls. 
 Mallory, E'lyse and Alise just being cute
 E'lyse and Mallory Miller with photo bomber Alan! 
 Root-beer floats were served after and everyone enjoyed it. 
 Faith, Gabby, Alexis and Skylar in the back.
One of my favorites of the night. E'lyse and Mallory making a heart around my love, Alan. 

 I was a proud Mamma. I was impressed of how well my girls performed and so glad they have these opportunities to work on and use their talents. 
Hugs, Bobbi Jo 

Egg Surprise

 Last week I got into the refrigerator and saw this little guy staring at me.
 I just couldn't eat it with that cute little face.
Then a couple days later I saw the back of it.
At this point I knew it had to be eaten. 
I love the strange things I find in my refrigerator. 
Thank you Gabby for making me smile.
Hugs, Bobbi Jo

Garbage Bags

I asked Gabby to take 2 garbage bags up to my bedroom . I came up and saw this written on the bags in sharpie
"I LOVE YOU! Your Favorite Child! 

Love things like this they make me smile! Hugs, Bobbi Jo

Valentines Day

Trying to play catch up here on my blog since I have been an absent blogger for a couple of weeks.
Valentines Day was good Alan bought flowers for all the girls in the house so the house looked like it was a floral shop for a while along with Dallas buying flowers for Sara and her Father bringing over some flowers for her too. 
I just love flowers so I am not complaining mind you.

E'lyse got a flower, a box of Junior Mints and a shadow box from Drew. 
Drew made the shadow box himself. 
(picture is minus Jr.Mints due to E'lyse eating them on the way home from school.)
 Shadow box
Faith got a Cupid Reindeer from her friend Jaylyn 
Gabby got a box of chocolates, a little teddy bear and a funny card from her friend
Hugs, Bobbi Jo 

Monday, February 11, 2013

Orchestra Concert

Guess who forgot to take Sunday pictures this week? 
Yep me! On snap.
Anyway tonight Faith had an orchestra concert at her school. 
The orchestra has come along way since last year. 
I love hearing Faith practicing at home. 
Music just makes me happy.

 Here is Faith waiting for her Triangle Solo
 This is Faith waiting for her time to play.
She does such a beautiful job.
I am so proud of her and the progress she has made. 
 It is so hard to get a good picture of her playing. 
The orchestra gets to go on tour to several elementary schools this Friday to recruit students for next year. 
Hugs, Bobbi Jo 

Friday, February 8, 2013

Picture Download Friday

Oh my goodness I cleaned out my phone today and found a bunch of pictures that I didn't 
even know I still had on there.
Good news it's Picture Download Friday 

 Kylia being silly
 Snow picture from Coco of Pinetop
 Coco's cute haircut
 Talmage and robot face
 Nellie ( my giant hairball)
 Sunset from back yard last year 
 YUM pickle! 
 I just love pictures of kiddos reading this is Kylia
 Coco and Naima 
Talmage in shades 
 Naima being cute
 Macy Van Gieson and Gabby with flower clips they made 
 E'lyse with avocado eyes  
 Louie, she is Gabby's dog
 Truck I saw in a parking lot
The license cover say's "My next wife will be normal" 
 Faith in the van with me 
 Crow in a tree 
 I thought this was so funny! 
 E'lyse in van being cool 
 Belle (E'lyses dog) and Nellie in van with me to pick up E'lyse from school 
 Naima dressed up 
 Ainsley and Gabby (not sure what they are dressed up as)
 Nellie in van with me
 Clay fruit Gabby made 
 Sara at Bridal Party in her toilet paper dress
 My head at church the girls put their flower clips in my hair
 Sara in her toilet paper dress
 Faith with "Special " sticker on her head 
 Poor Naima getting her faced stretched by Coco
 Gabby doing her homeschooling 
 Gabby at Target hugging candy cane
 Beautiful rainbow
 Gabby with Jingle at Target parking lot
 Gabby & Jingle at Target 
 Alan's foot after he had ingrown toenail surgery 
 Faith at audition for Oliver 
 Kylia (love those big eyes)
 Talmage & Naima doing stretchy faces
 This is from Phoenix Magazine. This is one of the massage rooms that I work in at Encanterra Country Club at the Alvea Spa 
 Naima and princess Barbies
 Naima with bottle & cute piggy tails 
 Kylia with Snoogle bunny
 Valerie one of my vocally adopted daughters. She knows I love pink and crowns 
so she sent this to me. 
 Gabby in a tutu head dress
Now my phone has room to take more pictures. 
I hope you enjoyed the download. 
Hugs, Bobbi Jo