Thursday, September 23, 2010

Almost 2 Week Here

 We will be hitting the 2 week mark of Gabby being in the hospital tomorrow. She has been such a good patient putting up with being poked, woken up every 2 hours durring the night and IV changed a pick put in and me being her roommate a majority of the time. She gets a dose of TPN daily that is about 12 hours of nutrition going into her. She is now allowed to eat a VERY low fat diet. A new medication was started 2 days ago that we are hoping will get the Ulcerative Colitis under control.
 We celebrated her 10th Birthday on Sunday. I think she had a good day. The Child Life Sevices had a Build A Bear, Hannah Montana Mall Madness game, the High School Musica Dance pad game, Yatzee, Uno, Bop It and a picture frame book. They made it extra special for her. She was alowed to have a little bite of cheese cake that she requested.
 Gabby has been busy doing a lot of crafts of all kinds to fill her time. Along with the teacher that comes in to work with her here. She goes to the activity room when she has the chance to learn a new craft and visit with other childre.
 This week while I was in school there were wonderful ladies from my ward that came down to sit and entertain Gabby. I appreciate the wonderful ladies for taking there time to be with her. And the families that have also brought over dinner to my family while I am here with Gabby. It has been a major relief to have someone be with Gabby while I am gone.
 So I am off to be with Gabby & and probably do some crafts. Hugs, Bobbi Jo


Jaclyn said...

Hope the new medicine works!

Angela said...

When can I bring a meal over? You sound so positive- that's exhausting in itself, trying to stay upbeat when things are less than ideal. I admire you. I'm serious about dinner- let me know when, or give me the name and number of the person coordinating and I'll give them a call. My email is Hang in there-we'll keep her in our prayers.
