Thursday, December 31, 2009

School Gift

 This morning when I went in to get my morning dose of Vit. D. the owner (also my friend) Laura Cooper of Serenity Massage & Tan said she had a surprise for me. She is the one that said I should check out the Arizona School of Massage Therapy. She gave me a wonderful School Warming kit. It is a massage line called Sacred Earth.

This is it out of the package

This is my favorite one it is Warming Massage Lotion
It has clove in it and smells so yummy. It heats up as you rub.

I was so excited about this. What a support she has been in me going to school and I haven't even started yet. Thank you my sweet friend Laura!  I am so pumped up on starting school and learning all I can. Only 4 days away now.
         Hugs, Bobbi Jo

1 comment:

Jaclyn said...

That is so nice! I bet you'll love school!