Thursday, June 7, 2012

Why Not Just Eat It All?

 I was asked a question today about my juicing. Oh and by the way I am not full force on this. I am doing juicing throughout the day for breakfast, lunch and snacks but now eating dinner with the fmaily. I guess I wasn't as ready as I thought I was.  Having to cook food for the rest of the family is hard to do, at least right now. I do plan on doing a juice only in the near future but for now baby steps.
 Now back to the question that I was asked today was "Why not just eat all the fruit and veggies? Why does it have to be juiced?" Okay technically two questions. I guess I could eat all of the vegetables instead of juicing them but I really don't think I could eat as many as I put in one juice drink. Example my Morning Eliminator  has 4 carrots, 1 lg. cucumber, 1 lg. beet, 2 apples and 3 stalks of celery with a touch of  ginger and sometime a little lemon. That is a lot. Another thing I thought of was when I have something like a cucumber I like it with salt, when I have a beet I like salt and vinegar on it. I seriously don't think I would like sitting down and eating all of these with a fork. Plus the preparation of these foods would take way more time. Maybe I am lazy but it is so easy to wash them, cut them up a little and just let the Vitamix do it's thing.
 I have been having cut up fresh fruit & veggies for snacks. Funny how cravings change over the years. Last year I would have been wanting a Hershey with almond candy bar or two but now I crave fruit, veggies and protein most of the time.
 This like most things that I try are learning experiences. I was starting to get down on myself for not being able to stick with the full juice and no chewing food but instead I have learned that it isn't a competition I need to do what my body needs and that is that.
 I know I need to add more movement to my days so I am doing this gradually too. I know that when I go at this with a all or nothing approach  I burn out and don't stick with it. So baby steps for me. I need to make life changes not just changes till I reach a goal.
 I am currently working on finding out what holds me back from doing the things I want to do in my life. So many excuses but none that truly make sense to me.
 Any questions or thoughts I would love to hear from you. Hugs, Bobbi Jo

Monday, June 4, 2012

Juice Feast For Health

 After watching the movie Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead, by Joe Cross on HULU. I thought about doing a juice feast but just wasn't ready for it. Now this was almost a year ago. Then since I have been weeding out the process foods out of the families diet and especially mine I watched it again. Deciding that this is what I needed right now at this time in my life. 
 I had been doing some juicing off and on but at least once a week. I have noticed the difference in when I drink juice and when I don't.
 Well I have been wanting a Vitamix machine for a long while now and I have had some money being put aside just in case I had a big purchase item. Well I found at the Vitamix  website and I found that they have reconditioned one for cheaper but you can still get a 5 year warranty. I ordered mine but got the extended 8 year warranty for just a little bit more. 

 Isn't it beautiful! 
  So me having OCD issues I waited till today to start using it on my first day of my Juice Feast. Most people would call this a juice fast but I feel that I am still getting my nutrition just not having to chew it. I will be adding physllium and a fruit protein powder to my juices at least once a day. Just to make sure I am getting enough fiber and nutrition. 
 This morning I made my breakfast that consisted of : banana, orange slices, pine apple core, carrot, homemade yogurt (sugar free), ice and physllium. Now I am going to listen to my body if it is needing something besides the juice I will listen to it. I think this has been one of my problems in the past is NOT listening to what my body needs or wants. 
I couldn't believe how quickly this thing chopped and mixed everything together.
 Looking into orange tropical goodness
 And my breakfast of  a champion (ME) yummy!! 

 I have been dealing with an ear infection for over a month and just this past week it has gotten really painful and closed up for a day. After much sleeping off and on, Reiki, then using oils, hot moist compresses it is feeling a little bit better today. I will continue to do what I am doing and hopefully by the end of this week it will be completely gone. 
 For today I need to run errands, make yogurt, wash and Monday chores. My might do list is make curtains  for our bedroom and do some independent studying. 
Everyone have a wonderful day. Hugs, Bobbi Jo

Sunday, June 3, 2012


 If  you have followed my blog for a while you know that back in 2010 I went back to school to become a massage therapist. One of the classes that enticed me into taking the master body worker program was the Eastern Paradigm. This is Eastern modalities that deal with acupressure and energy work. It was during this class that I was introduced to Reiki and chakra's. Soon after graduating and getting my license I decided to take the Reiki class becoming a Reiki Master. It is a wonderful gift that I enjoy. 
 In the last part of last year there was a class offered Chakra Alignment by my Reiki Master Jimmy, who was also one of my instructors at the massage school. I have been wanting to take the class but it never seemed the timing was right. Finally this past Saturday I was able to take it. I mailed in my payment last month so I would make sure to get it in. The class was very small, informative and a lot of fun. It was somewhat of a review of what I had learned in school but in greater detail. I won't go into a long explanation of what chakra's are and what goes on in a session. Some people think it is a bunch of hooey and some call it voodoo. All I know is I have seen and felt it work. I am lucky enough to have experiences in this life that some may not have. I try to be open minded to things.  Anyway we each received beautiful stones &  pendulum to help us with our sessions in healing. 
Each stone is for the individual chakra's I think they are just beautiful. If you have any questions or comments I would love to hear from you. Hugs, Bobbi Jo